Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Number 5, Giant Tap, Tecnopark Wintertur, Switzerland.

 I am going to write about the Giant Tap that is in Switzerland. To me I find it very interesting because I can't seem to find where the source of water is coming from. The way I see it it looks like the giant tap is almost floating in mid air. That's why I find so interesting. Where is the water coming from? I would love to be able to sit down with the creator of this and see how exactly he came up with this and how he made it.


  1. This sculpture was made in Baden, Switzerland. No matter how much I searched into it I can not find who made it.. every time I dig deeper I just get more... into inappropriate sculptures. It seems that the water goes down through a clear pipe and that's how the illusion of the water coming from no where comes from.
